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Lunar New Year Potluck was a success!

Thank you to everyone who made our first event a success! Over 40 of us attended the potluck. Check out the photos on our Facebook page. We sent out the invite to 60+ employees, received over 20 referrals for the event and just added another 40 employees to the listserv thanks to the pinoy group organizer. We hope to recruit more people so please help us out.

At the potluck, everyone introduced themselves and many shared their vision and ideas for our group. Below are some of the suggestions:

  • participate in group sporting activities (softball league <Tom Lai is recruiting for his team!>; Giants game; walk around the lagoon or Civic Center hill; ping pong competition; rock climbing)

  • organize fundraising charity/donation (e.g., donate computers to schools in the Philippines <contact Pat Balderama>)

  • join group tour trip (anyone interested in going to China?)

  • host a picnic at the park and invite our family

  • organize a cooking class at the cafeteria

  • seek/organize scholarship

  • invite lion dance group for special performance

  • create a support network (we already have offers with help on computers and property tax questions from Rome and Mathilda =))

  • be a resource for clients with language barrier

  • have a art calligraphy workshop

Special requests include:

  • list of chinese/filipino schools in Marin

Noteworthy upcoming events
  • Mar. 13 - Spring diversity event at McInnis 5-7 pm; joint event with Organization of Latino Employees (OLE) and County of Marin African-America Employee Association (COMAEA)

  • May 4 - Marin Asian Pacific Heritage Festival

  • May 22 - Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month celebration at the BOS chamber (we need volunteers and ideas)

Help Needed!
Please take our post-event survey. We need help on a number of things and we would love for you to join us and help kick-off MAPLE in the new year.
  • Outreach (expand membership, PR, social media)

  • Events (May 22 planning, professional development, social events)

  • Administration (photography, finance, minutes, mentorship match)

3501 Civic Center Dr.
San Rafael, CA 94903

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© 2016 by MAPLE.

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