Asian Pacific American Heritage Celebration planning - Judge James T. Chou will be keynote speaker
We're excited that Judge James T. Chou of Marin County Superior Court has accepted to be the keynote speaker at the Asian Pacific American (APA) Heritage Celebration.
The planning committee met on February 27th to discuss the upcoming APA Heritage event.
Event detail:
Thursday, May 22, 12 - 1:30 p.m.
Marin County Civic Center Board of Supervisors Chamber, 3501 Civic Center Drive, San Rafael
Tentative program:
Mixer with live music or performance
Opening (including Board Resolution on celebrating Asian Pacific American Heritage Month)
Key note speaker - Judge James T. Chou, Marin County Superior Court
MAPLE member(s) testimonial
Short Asian-American film
Committee members and assignments:
Jacalyn Mah - speaker; flyer; program; funding
Adorra Gutierrez - muisc/performance inquiry
Becky Ng - testimonial?
Maureen Denieva - food
Ralph Hernandez - Board Resolution; film selection
Tom Lai - testimonial; music/performance inquiry
Pat Balderama - represent MAPLE as a panelist at March 13th Spring Diversity event
Jeff Wong
Denise Lee
Michelle Hardesty
Outstanding assignments:
Cafeteria case display
Photo: picture of Judge James T. Chou taken by Marin Independent Journal