Updates to the Asian Pacific American Heritage Celebration
Film Selection - After reviewing six options that Ralph picked, we've selected "Pilgrimage" as the featured film.
Music - Adora has confirmed that Rudy Viernes will be performing Filipino music at the event.
Flyer - We plan to collect headshots from our members that will be included in the flyer. We hope to distribute in early April.
Food - Maureen will get quote from Epicurean by end of this week
Cafeteria display - Tom will work on the cafeteria display box since we've it reserved for the month of May
Brochure - Jacalyn will work on a brochure to hand out at the event
Resolution - Ralph is drafting a resolution
Attendees: Jacalyn Mah, Jeff Wong, Maureen De Nieva (virtual), Tom Lai, Ralph Hernandez