Marin County Board of Supervisors proclaims May as Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Mont
The Marin County Board of Supervisors passed a resolution today proclaiming May as Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month....

Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Celebration #APAHM2015
#apiheritage #celebration #event

2015 Lunar New Year Potluck
Please join us at our second annual Lunar New Year Potluck on February 19th at noon. Please kindly RSVP with the dish you plan to bring....

November / December 2014 newsletter
Happy Thanksgiving! Please enjoy the last 2014 edition of the MAPLE newsletter (pdf version). #newsletter #apiheritage...

Meet Adora Gutierrez, our Maplean of the Month!
Q: Where are you from? A: Adora Gutierrez (AG): I was born and raised in the Philippines. I grew up in a Tarlac city where I graduated...

Meet Marc Woo, our Maplean of the Month!
Q: Where are you from? A: Marc Woo (MW): I was born in San Francisco. Six months after I was born, we moved to Terra Linda and I have...

October 2014 planning meeting
The committee surprised Chairman Mah with a babyshower lunch. Nonetheless, we kept the meeting productive. See minutes here. #photo...

Meet Margie Roberts, our Maplean of the Month!
Q: Where are you from? A: Margie Roberts (MR): I was born in Quezon City, Philippines and grew up in Madaluyong City – Metro Manila. I...

Mooncake tasting celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival
MAPLE Celebration We celebrated Mid-Autumn Festival today with our members by hosting a mooncake tasting at the Civic Center Lagoon Park....

August 2014 newsletter
The August newsletter has arrived. See the pdf version here. #newsletter #apiheritage #celebration